Director of Coaching
The Quad City Hockey Association is affiliated with USA Hockey and follows their guidelines for selecting and training the coaches who will lead the youth hockey teams. USA Hockey requires that all coaches complete a training program to ensure that youth hockey players have a safe, fun and rewarding experience. The QCHA coaches are volunteers and bring a variety of hockey backgrounds to the ice. Fees are reimbursable to the coach if requested, otherwise the fees paid will be considered a donation to the QCHA.
Each coach will be responsible to complete the following before any contact is made with our players and/or before August 31, 2023. (All links are listed below.)
Each coach will be responsible to complete the following before December 31st.
These five requirements listed all need to be completed BEFORE you get on the ice or bench with our players. The new 2023-24 USA Hockey #'s and the QCHA Registration (Code of Conduct) will be available after April 1st.
A module needs to be completed for the age group(s) that you are coaching. If you are coaching multiple age groups, you will need to have completed a module for each age group. One Goal & Learn to Play coaches only need the 8U module. Sled coaches only need the DISAB module.
The coaching clinic must be completed by Dec 31st. If not completed, coaches will be removed from the ice for the remainder of the season beginning Jan 1st.
We greatly appreciate our coaches and all of the time and effort spent with helping our athletes on and off the ice. The QCHA offers reimbursement for some of the fees associated with completing the coaching requirements. All receipts and the reimbursement form (found below) need to be turned in by January 1st of the current season to the Registrar. The reimbursement will only occur after all requirements are completed.